Tuesday 16 May 2017

Grade 7 Reading Buddies!

We are very excited to have new grade 7 reading buddies from George Waters Middle School. They came for their first visit on May 2nd. We did a "get to know your buddy" activity, read a few stories and enjoyed a snack with our new friends. We are looking forward to their next visit on May 18th, and we hope that we will be able to visit our buddies at George Waters very soon!

Spring News from Room 4

Time has been flying by so quickly in Room 4! Before we know it we will be in our last month of school! There are some exciting things happening right now in our classroom. Below are some pictures to "highlight" our learning over the course of the past few weeks.

We completed our unit on Structures and Materials with Ms. Milne. The students used different materials and joiners to create structures designed for different purposes. 
How strong are eggs (natural structure)?
Over 25 math textbooks!

Making newspaper tables

Tall Lego towers that must hold a tennis ball

Straw supports

Testing our Popsicle Stick Bridges

Miss Milne also taught a measurement unit in math. Then we had the "Measurement Olympics"!

We also have our new "temporary" classroom pets - the Tadpoles!
Look how much they have grown already!